We were cycling through one of local parks recently and I, like most days am in my own world but visually trying to take everything else in. I know the route well and generally know where it is most crowded and where there are less people using the pathways.
Whilst cycling I noticed a lady up ahead with a dog and rang my bell, the dog heard us and turned around, however the lady did not so I rang again.

As I reached closer we naturally slowed down and the lady realising we were there, turned to me using both hand gestures and verbally told me she was deaf. She then proceeded to kindly show me her shoulder strap holder that says quite clearly hearing dog.
We had a brief exchange where we spoke about Luis and I was also able to take a picture of the sign across her back, and I promised to write up and create some more awareness about this.
As I rode away thought for all that I know I missed the clues on that occasion. It was not a serious incident as I rode quite carefully and her trusty friend helped with making her aware of my presence.
Maybe we are now used to others being in their own world and not everyone is friendly or polite, and learning all the different aids out there may not be reasonable for all. However the encounter made me think being in your own world isn't always a bad thing especially if you are letting others know to expect it.
This may not be new to you but it just goes to show, the clues are sometimes right in front our faces and we only need to look.