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abouT us

Luis was diagnosed with a rare illness called Nascimento X linked intellectual disability. As a family it has been a long journey to really try and understand how we can best help Luis and at the same time keep everyone needs within the family at a good balance. This was created to share some insight on that continuous journey and help some other families along the way.


Our shop brand, was created from our observation of children like Eva, who live different childhoods as a result of having siblings with additional support needs. Our vision with this store is to take some of the proceeds and invest in taking these incredible siblings on trips and events to enjoy some time with other children in similar positions. We would also like to donate to two chosen schools at present Kelbourne Park and Castle school, with a vision of expanding our donations.


Our mission is bring similar people together to have a place where they feel welcome, a place where discussions can take place around their experiences past or present. We would also like to see the siblings within these families connect with each other, as they do not share the same journeys as most of their peers in school, work or even other parts of their families.  

Partners and Resource Orgs

This is a list of current schools and organisations we work with, to ensure the information we share is up to date and correct. Each logo has a link away from our site and contain their own cookies, so remember to choose the settings appropriate for you.

Kelbourne Park Logo
orphanet logo
Genetic Alliance UK logo
K Centrum Logo
Castle School logo
pinpoint logo
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